Blog Archive
When it comes to addiction issues, a lot of news focuses on opioids and similar drugs. But alcohol use disorder (AUD) is also extremely common, affecting roughly 30 million Americans and making it a leading cause of preventable death. At Harbor Community Health Centers, our team helps women and men...
Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is the most common sexually transmitted infection (STI) in the United States, affecting millions of women and men every year. There are more than 200 types of HPV, and about 12 of those strains are high-risk types — viruses more closely associated with the development of...
Holidays can be exciting times filled with gatherings and traditions. But they can also be overwhelmingly busy and stressful, posing real challenges for one's physical and emotional well-being. At Harbor Community Health Centers, our team wants you to enjoy all the holiday fun without sacrificing your wellness. Here are three...
When most people think of diabetes, they think of insulin therapy, a standard treatment for people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes. But the fact is, while insulin is a necessary part of treatment for people with type 1 diabetes, people diagnosed with type 2 may be able to...
Mammograms are the gold standard when it comes to screening for breast cancer, the second-most common type of cancer among women (skin cancers are the most common). While most women know they should have mammograms to monitor for cancer, many don’t know when they should begin screening or how frequently...
Harbor Community Health Centers (HarborCHC) proudly earned the 2024 Health Center Quality Leader (HCQL) Gold Badge, placing it in the top 10% of health centers nationwide for clinical quality measures. HarborCHC was one of 15 clinics in California to receive the Gold Badge In total, HarborCHC received five Community Health...
Everyone knows good oral health can improve your smile and your confidence — but did you know it can improve your overall wellness, too? The opposite is also true: Poor oral health increases your risk of serious health problems — but regular preventive care, like twice-yearly cleanings and checkups, can...
As a parent, your mission is to do all you can to keep your kids safe and healthy, including helping them avoid illnesses. Staying up to date with your child’s vaccinations is one of the best ways to prevent illnesses now and set the stage for a healthy future, too. ...
Hepatitis is a serious liver disease that’s more common than most people realize. Worldwide, millions of people suffer from hepatitis infections, and while it’s not as common in the United States as in many other areas of the world, about 3 million people may be infected. As leading primary care...
Nearly 40 million Americans have diabetes, according to the CDC, and another 98 million Americans have prediabetes, a condition that makes them far more likely to develop diabetes in the future. Most of those individuals have type 2 diabetes, a metabolic condition that happens when your body has difficulty controlling...
Depression affects millions of Americans, taking a toll on their emotional health and their physical wellness, too. The good news: Safe, effective treatment is available, but first, you must be diagnosed. That’s where depression screening comes in. At Harbor Community Health Centers, our team offers comprehensive behavioral health services, including...
Your health needs vary greatly throughout life, and even during your adult years, your medical risks and health profile can change dramatically. Having a primary care physician who understands those needs is essential for maintaining optimal wellness as you age. With two locations in San Pedro, California, Harbor Community Health...
Asthma is a common respiratory disease that affects kids as well as adults. In the United States alone, about 5 million children have asthma, and about 38% have at least one asthma attack in any given year. For kids under age 5, that number almost doubles. As a parent, you...
When your child is ill, taking them to visit the doctor is a no-brainer. But the American Academy of Pediatrics notes that well-child visits are just as important — so important they maintain a list of recommended ages for well visits throughout childhood. At Harbor Community Health Centers, our team...
You might not look forward to your twice-yearly dental exam, but there’s no denying that those visits are extremely important for maintaining oral health and preventing serious problems. Considering that a typical exam only takes about an hour, it’s a minimal investment that can yield a big payoff over time....
Harbor Community Health Centers proudly earned the 2023 Health Center Quality Leader (HCQL) Silver Badge, placing our community health center in the top 20% nationwide for clinical quality measures. Harbor Community Health Centers Chief Medical Officer Dr. Caleb Lusk expressed gratitude to HRSA “for recognizing our commitment to providing exceptional...
It’s easy to see the need for a dentist visit when you have a toothache or other problem. But regular checkups are important, too — really important. Harbor Community Health Centers helps patients of all ages maintain optimal oral health with regular dental checkups and cleanings. Learn why twice-yearly visits...
Nearly 38 million Americans have diabetes, including nearly 9 million people who haven’t been diagnosed with the condition yet. That means everyone is at an increased risk of serious complications, including kidney damage, cognitive decline, and blindness. There are two primary types of diabetes — type 1 and type 2...
About 300,000 new cases of breast cancer will be diagnosed this year in the United States, making it the second most common type of cancer among American women. More than 43,000 women will die from the disease. In fact, among American women, breast cancer makes up about a third of new cancer diagnoses every year. The...
More than 42% of Americans are obese, according to data from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. Every one of those individuals is at increased risks of multiple serious health problems, including heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, some cancers, and dementia. While healthy habits are the key to...
As a kid, childhood immunizations were aregular part of seeing the doctor. As an adult, immunizations are far less frequent — but that doesn’t mean you don’t need them. Vaccines supplement our immune system’s germ-fighting abilities, essentially teaching our bodies how to recognize specific germs so it can produce antibodies...
Roughly 26 million American adults and kids suffer from asthma, a chronic respiratory disease that causes inflammation and excess mucus production in your airways. Asthma symptoms can happen any time, but they’re often worse in the summer when many asthma “triggers” — like pollen, humidity, and heat — tend to be more...
Kids catch colds and contract other illnesses a lot — usually much more frequently than adults. There are many possible reasons for that: often grouped together in classrooms and other spaces, it’s a lot easier for germs to pass from one child to another. Kids' immune systems are still developing,...
According to the CDC, mental health disorders affect about 20% of Americans in any given year, and throughout a lifetime, about half of all Americans will be diagnosed with a disorder. Despite how common they are, mental health disorders and their effects are still widely misunderstood. Harbor Community Health Centers...
Para español, cambie el idiomaen la esquina superior derecha You’re going about your usual day when you notice that your throat hurts. Or you’re coughing more than usual. Or you’re especially tired. Five years ago, it wouldn’t have caused much concern, but now the question pops into your head: Is...
Nearly everyone experiences foot problems at some point. Blisters, cracked skin, fungal infections, warts, and sore muscles are common problems; fortunately, they’re usually problems you can avoid with a little extra TLC. In honor of National Foot Health Awareness Month, Harbor Community Health Centers is dedicating this post to better...
Outside of astrology, “cancer” is a word that strikes fear in many people. Widely recognized as life-threatening, cancer is a complex group of diseases with different causes, treatments, and statistical outcomes. Cancer happens when your body’s cells start to multiply uncontrollably. Sometimes, this growth forms tumors that spread (metastasize) to...
More than 20 million Americans suffer from substance abuse problems involving alcohol, illicit drugs, and prescription medications. Although addiction takes a toll on every aspect of a person’s life, medical treatment can play a pivotal role in breaking the cycle of abuse so recovery can begin. While substance use disorders pose...
It’s easy to take your oral health for granted — until something goes wrong. Then, a toothache, sore gums, or chronic bad breath suddenly makes you aware of the importance of good oral care — and how much you’ve been neglecting your teeth and gums. The best way to avoid...
Breaking the cycle of addiction isn’t easy, but with prompt, appropriate medical care, you can take back control of your life, health, and future — the next step: Avoiding relapse. Addiction is a chronic disorder, and as with any chronic medical problem, once you recover, you need to do all you...
More than 37 million Americans have been diagnosed with diabetes, a chronic disease that interferes with how your body manages blood sugar (glucose). There are different types of diabetes, but most Americans have type 2, a metabolic condition that usually develops in adulthood. Before developing type 2 diabetes, most people...
According to the CDC, nearly 70% of women 40 and older had a mammogram within the past two years. That sounds pretty good — until you realize that nearly a third of women didn’t bother to have this vital screening. As a leading primary care practice in San Pedro, California, Harbor Community...
You’ve probably heard enough talk about mammograms to understand that they’re important. You may already know they’re the best way to reduce risks associated with breast cancer by detecting irregularities early (sometimes three years before any tangible signs appear!). And it might not surprise you that a mammogram can even...
At least 20 million new sexually-transmitted infections are reported each year in the United States, according to the CDC, and many other infections go unreported (and even undiagnosed). One reason why infections are so common: They’re not always easy to detect — which means many people spread infections without even...
Immunizations are a part of childhood (and they should also be a part of adulthood). But many parents don’t know why they’re important — or how they work. At Harbor Community Health Centers, our team provides vaccines as part of our regular pediatrics services, giving kids the tools they need to ward off serious...
Many of us only think about visiting the doctor when we’re ill. But having well visits — regular checkups — is crucial, too, especially for women and kids. At Harbor Community Health Centers, our providers offer both well woman and well child visits tailored to the unique needs of women and kids. Here’s why you should make...
Taking your child to the doctor when they’re sick is almost a no-brainer. But did you know your child should see the doctor when they’re well, too? Just like you, your child needs regular well visits to keep them healthy during those all-important “growing years.” Harbor Community Health Centers offers...
Almost 4 million babies are born every year in the United States, and many are born during the summer months. In fact, according to the CDC, the three months with the highest number of births are August, July, and September. As luck would have it, those are also the three...
It’s not unusual to feel extreme anxiety or pressure (especially these days) about everything you have to take care of. But there is a solution: taking care of yourself! Practicing self-care, even for just a few minutes a day, can make a big difference in your health and wellbeing. This...
Everyone knows it’s critical to see their dentist regularly — typically, once every six months. But do you know why? There are lots of reasons. At Harbor Community Health Centers, our team offers complete dental care at our three locations in San Pedro, California, helping patients manage their oral health at every stage of life....
Coughing is a common physical reaction —we all do it from time to time. It’s our body’s natural way of responding to irritants in our airways, and the forceful expiration of air that happens during a cough acts to clear those irritants. Coughing is also a common asthma symptom, a...
Rep. Nanette Barragán delivered $7,535,000 in federal funds for local projects in vote to pass omnibus appropriations funding package. This included a portion to fund healthcare for the homeless and underserved in the harbor area community. Tamra King (CEO) center, is presented with a funding check by Rep. Barragan.* Harbor...
Ovarian cysts are surprisingly common, especially during the reproductive years. In most cases, these fluid-filled sacs are nothing to worry about. But in some instances, they can cause uncomfortable symptoms or more serious complications. Our team at Harbor Community Health Centers provides comprehensive gynecologic care and services at Pacific Avenue...
Nearly 35 million Americans have diabetes, including a whopping 7.3 million who have the disease but haven’t been diagnosed. Even more alarming — nearly 90 million people have prediabetes, a condition that significantly increases the risk of developing full-blown disease. At Harbor Community Health Centers, our team helps women and...
Everyone knows it’s important to take care of their teeth, but you may still have questions about the best way to go about it. How often should you visit the dentist? Is it safe to do so during Covid? How will you pay for it? Fortunately, Harbor Community Health Centers...
La escuela preparatoria puede ser intensa: HCHC enseña cómo afrontar la situación Nuestra clínica está trabajando con The Boys and Girls Club para satisfacer las necesidades de bienestar social y emocional de los adolescentes. Consulte la información a continuación y en el volante. Facilitaré una presentación única para adolescentes de...
High school can be intense – HCHC teaches how to cope Our clinic is working with The Boys and Girls Club to meet children and teenagers’ emotional and social wellbeing needs. See details and the flyer below. Alejandra Amparo will be doing a one-time presentation for Middle and High School...
There’s a reason why menopause used to be called “the change of life”: Aside from puberty, menopause ushers in perhaps the most significant changes in a woman’s life, both physically and emotionally. Menopause is more than just an end to your periods. The decline in estrogen affects you in plenty...
Every year in the United States, adults and kids see their primary care doctors about 430 million times for all sorts of healthcare needs, including “sick” and well visits. That’s because primary care physicians provide critical care that helps patients heal and stay healthy at every age and stage of...
For decades, the issue of mental health care has been plagued by stigma and misunderstandings. Today, thankfully, that’s changing, and people are beginning to realize that caring for your behavioral health needs is just as important as caring for your physical body. At Harbor Community Health Centers, our team helps...
Domestic Violence and the Impacts on your Physical and Mental Health The health impacts of domestic violence present themselves in a range of short and long term effects that are both physical and psychological. As a result of domestic violence, you may need medical treatment for immediate care and long...
About 32.4 million Americans — roughly 1 out of every 10 — have diabetes. This chronic medical condition can dramatically increase your risks for serious medical problems and alter the way you live your life. Without proper management and medical care, diabetes can lead to issues like: Blindness Nerve damage...
About 25 million Americans have asthma, and for most of those people, that means they also have a nagging cough. But asthma isn't the only medical issue that causes coughing. So how can you tell whether your cough is due to asthma or something else? Diagnosing asthma as soon as...
It’s tempting to think of physical health and behavioral or psychological health as two separate entities. But in fact, they’re very closely linked, like two sides of the same coin. In addition to affecting your physical health, behavioral health issues can have a devastating effect on your quality of life...
As a parent, you want to do all you can to help your child grow, learn, and enjoy their childhood years. Ensuring they stay healthy is one of the most important things you can do for your child — now and as they grow into adulthood. As a leading healthcare...
May is here, and that means the summer warmup is about to begin. For many people, summer sunshine is a welcome change from the grayer, darker days of winter. But if you're one of the more than 25 million Americans who have asthma, you might not be quite so excited....
Across the country, school-age children and teens are returning to in-person learning, but this effort to get back to normal doesn’t come without concerns. Remote learning has left a lot of students with intense feelings of isolation and loneliness, feelings that won’t go away overnight. They may also experience fear...
In the United States, about 15,000 women will be diagnosed with cervical cancer this year, according to the American Cancer Society, and about 4,300 will die from the disease. Regular screening is the best way to prevent cancer by “catching” it in its earliest stages. Harbor Community Health Centers provides...
More than 2 million people seek out emergency dental care each year in the United States, which shows just how common these emergencies are. While not every dental issue is an emergency, plenty of relatively common problems — like tooth pain, lost fillings, or damaged crowns — can be considered...
According to data from the National Institutes of Health, about half of all kids under age 11 have at least one cavity. The CDC says cavities are “one of the most common chronic diseases of childhood” for American kids. That sounds grim, but the good news is, there are some...
If your family is like many others, you only go to the doctor when you’re sick. In a recent survey, 25% of the participants avoided regular check-ups for financial reasons, while others skipped a wellness visit because they couldn’t make time in their busy schedules. When you’re feeling perfectly fine,...
If wintertime finds you feeling blue, or you get an empty feeling around the same time each year, you may suffer from a condition known as seasonal affective disorder (SAD). It affects many people--an estimated 5-10% of the population--each year. No one knows exactly why, but SAD affects women four...
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 1 in 10 Americans have diabetes. Nearly 90 million more people have prediabetes. If you have diabetes, you know that the excess sugar in your blood makes you susceptible to several complications. One of those serious concerns for diabetics...
The COVID-19 pandemic has taken center stage this year, but it’s important for you to remember that we are going into the 2020-2021 flu season. While reducing your exposure to COVID-19 remains paramount, protecting your child against the flu is also imperative. Each year the influenza virus sickens millions of...
If you have aches and pains, your first thought might be to make an appointment with your primary care doctor. If you’re suffering from stress or anxiety, you might consider making an appointment with a therapist. Physical health problems and mental health problems have long been treated separately, but the...
You're more likely to struggle with periodontal disease, also known as gum disease, that n you might think. According to the CDC, around half of all adults in the United States older than 30 will be affected by gum disease. There's a lot you can do to protect your gum...
Often beginning in childhood and lasting a lifetime, allergies and/or asthma can make life miserable. In some cases, these conditions can also cause a life-threatening emergency. Fortunately, we at Harbor Community Health Centers have many effective treatments for both. With three convenient locations, we provide state-of-the-art health services for men,...
Diabetes is on the rise in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and impacts over 34 million people. If you’re obese, meaning you carry abnormally high amounts of body fat, you hold greater risk for certain types of the disease. At Harbor Community Clinic...