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Three Top Wellness Tips for Navigating a Busy Holiday Season

Three Top Wellness Tips for Navigating a Busy Holiday Season

Holidays can be exciting times filled with gatherings and traditions. But they can also be overwhelmingly busy and stressful, posing real challenges for one's physical and emotional well-being. 

At Harbor Community Health Centers, our team wants you to enjoy all the holiday fun without sacrificing your wellness. Here are three simple tips to get the most from this season while avoiding potential pitfalls.

1. Practice mindful eating

Holidays are a time of gatherings, parties, and celebrations, and in most cases, they’re also a time for lots of delicious food. While occasional, moderate indulgences are good for your morale and holiday spirit, overeating can leave you feeling sluggish and bloated, not to mention the effects on your weight. 

To combat this problem, consider incorporating mindful eating practices when you head out to eat. Mindful eating is the practice of being aware of what you’re eating — not just the type of food or your portion size but also the flavors, textures, and aromas of each indulgence. 

When you practice mindful eating, you don’t just eat for something to do — you appreciate and savor every bite. Mindful eating helps you regulate your consumption of food by making you aware of when you feel satisfied, and it also helps make you aware of how many calories you’re consuming. If mindful eating is new to you, this website has some tips to help you get started. 

2. Work in daily activity

Holidays are fun, but they can also be stressful, especially if you have a lot on your plate. One simple way to ease that stress is through daily physical exercise.

You might think you’re too busy to fit in a daily workout — and that’s OK. Your activity doesn’t need to require a trip to the gym or even an hour of your time. 

A half-hour walk after dinner or during lunch is a great way to stay active, and so are a few laps around your local mall. Taking the stairs instead of the elevator and parking at the far end of the parking lot are simple ways to work in extra activity, too.

In addition to raising feel-good endorphins, daily physical activity keeps holiday pounds at bay and is good for your heart, digestion, and even sleep.

3. Prioritize sleep and downtime

Finally, one of the best ways to navigate this busy season is to get plenty of rest. It might not be easy to catch the recommended amount of Zs when your schedule is packed to its limit — but it’s extremely important for both your physical health and your emotional wellness.

One way to ensure you’re getting enough sleep is to schedule it on your daily schedule like a regular appointment. Setting regular sleep and wake-up times regulates your body’s internal clock so you fall asleep more quickly and sleep more soundly.

Aside from sleep, schedule some daily downtime, too. A 15-minute break is a great way to recharge, especially when you use it to do something you enjoy, like listening to music, enjoying a cup of tea, reading a book, or simply being in nature. 

Resting might feel like slacking on your responsibilities, but getting regular rest is essential for avoiding stress, boosting your mood, and keeping your immune system in top shape. Prioritizing your own self-care can help you and your loved ones enjoy the holidays a lot more.

Schedule your physical now

Paying attention to your wellness needs during the holidays is important, as is planning for a healthy future. The holidays are a great time to schedule your annual physical for the new year. To book your visit, call 310-547-0202 today to schedule an appointment with the Harbor Community Health Centers team at one of our two San Pedro, California, locations.

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